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Why Is Psychotherapy Best with Medication Therapy?

Part of mental or behavioral healthcare is receiving a comprehensive diagnosis from professionals. It helps determine your condition and the treatment plan most suitable for you. Consultants usually involve the patient in the decision-making process,...

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Taking Steps to Overcome Addiction

A lot of harm can come from having an addiction. Your mental, physical, and social health can be affected, and your overall quality of life deteriorates. You can feel your life slipping away from you, and bouncing back seems like an impossible task. ...

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Combined Treatments: The Better Recovery Option

In order to further your healing with the help of mental health services, it is crucial to keep up with your prescription and scheduled therapies. Combining medication management with psychotherapy allows you to experience improved outcomes and, ther...

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When Should You Get a Psychiatric Evaluation?

A psychiatric evaluation is a tool conducted by a psychiatrist that is used to diagnose problems in the individual’s memory, thought process, and behavior patterns. The duration of this evaluation actually varies from one person to another. Usually...

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Choosing From Medication Therapy, Psychotherapy or Both

People with emotional or behavioral issues can benefit from psychotropics, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. It’s just that, different types of problems will respond differently to varying treatments; thus, selecting the right one can...

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What Exactly Is Social Phobia?

Nervousness is normal in a lot of situations. For example, you may feel anxious when giving out a speech, or maybe, it’s your first time being interviewed for a job. But for people who have social phobia or social anxiety disorder, everyday events ...

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