A psychiatric evaluation is a tool conducted by a psychiatrist that is used to diagnose problems in the individual’s memory, thought process, and behavior patterns. The duration of this evaluation actually varies from one person to another. Usually, it lasts for 45 to 90 minutes. But if you want a comprehensive and accurate evaluation, it will take approximately 2 hours.
There are three main types of psychiatric evaluation: emergency evaluation, general psychiatric evaluation, and clinical consultations. Each has its own purpose and function. But when should an individual get a psychiatric evaluation? That is if they experience the following symptoms:
- Sudden and sometimes violent mood swings
- Exhibiting unusual behavior and becoming paranoid
- Hallucinating and experiencing unexplainable memory loss
- Feeling disconnected from the people and things around you
- Severe insomnia, loss of appetite, and sudden loss of interest in activities
When it comes to providing services to improve everyone’s mental health in New Jersey, we at LACKA Behavioral Health are known experts in this field.
We are your reliable provider of behavioral and mental health services. If you are struggling with behavioral and mental health issues and when problems are starting to overwhelm you, or you feel distressed, withdrawn, and discouraged, please do not hesitate to seek help from us. We are always ready to hear you out and help you fight your battles.
We understand that recovery is a step-by-step process, and we are here to guide you through quality behavioral and mental health care in Hamilton, New Jersey.
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